Saturday, December 28, 2019

Culture Shock The United States Essay - 1397 Words

Culture Shock: Immigration to America In 2010, as my sisters-in-law and their families prepared to immigrate to the United States (U.S.), my husband and I did all we can to advise and assist them in getting ready for their long journey from Nigeria to the U.S. To our surprise, contrary to every advice we gave them, in preparation for life in the US, they started out with trying American fast foods of different kinds. Culture shock is expected for anyone who immigrates to the US, regardless of where they come from. The type(s) of help the person(s) gets on how to overcome it and their adherence, most often, determines the future outcome of life in their new country of residence. When we got to John Kennedy (JFK) international airport to pick them up, we were surprised at how fat they’ve gotten from the last time we saw them in Nigeria. Our main concern was, with the family of four boys, ages ranging from one to 10 years, and how long it will take them to adapt to things here. On inquiry, as to why they gained weight? We learned of them trying to discard the lifestyle and food they were used to in Nigeria, for the fast food in the US before they even started. Once they got here and discovered that Hollywood movies are mostly make belief, the culture shock set in because a lot of things they heard from others, who sugar-coated things to them and the movies, were completely out of reality here. Apparently, they did not adhere to what we tried to do to prepare them for theirShow MoreRelatedCulture Shock Of The United States Essay1537 Words   |  7 PagesCulture Shock has played a tremendous role in the growth of cultural ecology because it is an issue t hat is constantly growing all over the world. In the United States, it may not seem like things are changing involving culture shock, but it is not any different then the changes in places like Africa and China for example. It is developing equally across the world because there are now more ways to travel. So, what exactly is culture shock anyways? Well, it is known as going to a foreign or unfamiliarRead MoreCultural Adjustment And Its Effects On Society938 Words   |  4 Pages which is called cultural shock. However, learning the phases of cultural adjustment will aid to deal with the culture shock that many people have faced it in different ways, including Chinese, myself, and other international students. Yaping Tang states in a 1996 essay, â€Å"Polite but Thirsty†, that there are many Chinese students who have come to the United States in order to do research or get an education, and they have faced an experience of dealing with culture shock. Chinese students, for exampleRead MoreCulture Shock Of International Students1436 Words   |  6 Pages Culture Shock in International Students Culture shock is an issue that has been discussed widely in a variety of fields. It is an issue that spans all cultures and groups and can affect anyone who transitions from one culture to another. Although it might be typically thought of as something that only happens when an individual travels to a new country, it can easily be experienced with a move or visit to a new region of a country. In light of the globalization that we as a society are currentlyRead MoreFour Stages of Culture Shock Faced By Immigrants Essay1703 Words   |  7 Pageschange in one’s surroundings can result in culture shock. Culture shock refers to the anxiety and surprise a person feels when he or she is discontented with an unfamiliar setting. The majority of practices or customs are different from what a person is used to. One may experience withdrawal, homesickness, or a desire for old friends. For example, when a person goes to live in a different place with unfamiliar surroundings, they may experience culture shock. Sometimes it is the result of losingRead MoreCause and Effect of Cultural Shock Essay1133 Words   |  5 PagesCAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CULTURAL SHOCK Kasie Sepeda Professor Scherf 11/19/2012 Outline I. What is Cultural Shock a. serious phenomenon and a long-winded process b. Real culture shock can happen in places you expect to be similar II. Effects of cultural shock a. Happen when you take a culture for granted. b. Can affect your job, family, etc. III. Causes of cultural shock a. Can cause mild uneasiness or temporary homesickness to acute unhappiness or even, in extremeRead MoreEssay about Culture Shock739 Words   |  3 PagesPositive Effects of Culture Shock Positive Effects of Culture Shock Thesis Statement: There are many positive effects of culture shock, such as meeting new people, knowing about personality and increasing the knowledge. Body: 1. Meeting new people a. Public places b. Help to know about new country and culture 2. Knowing about personality a. Be independent b. Own abilities 3. Increasing the knowledge a. New culture, history b. Second language Read MoreThe Five Key Managerial Skills1075 Words   |  5 Pagesbuild cooperative effort in the unit† (17). An important part of interpersonal skills is communication skills which for managers is multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is â€Å"the ability to work effectively and conduct business with people from different cultures† (18). Conceptual skill is â€Å"the ability to see the organization as a total entity. It includes recognizing how the various units of the organization depend on one another and how changed in any one part affect all the others† (18). Conceptual skillRead MoreDifferent Culture in Guest of the Sheik by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea777 Words   |  3 Pagesand individualistic with many exclusive qualities. Everyone in the world has a culture but it is not easy to accept or agree with other people’s culture. The ethnography, â€Å"Guests of the Sheik†, written by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea really captures what it is like to live and to be immersed into another culture. Ethnography is â€Å"comprised of the writings of the anthropologist, detailing the life ways of a particular culture, investigated by means of direct fieldwork† (Arenson, and Miller-Thayer 1). ElizabethRead MoreChallenges Faced By International Students1007 Words   |  5 Pagesby international studen ts in American academic institutions In the article â€Å"Academic culture shock† author Godwin A. Kara discuss about the American academic institutions and the culture shock faced by the international students and scholars in the academic system. In the opening lines the author states â€Å"There is a gradual increase in the number of international students and scholars every year in United States†. The author also points out the differences in the academic traditions. He highlightsRead MoreThe United States Based Engineering Manager Who Now Works For Siemens Essay872 Words   |  4 PagesThis paper explores the experiences of a United States based Engineering Manager who now works for Siemens, a German company, as they have merged with his former company, Dresser-Rand, a United States corporation. While he has not yet become fully emerged in the Siemens way of handling multicultural competence, he does have experience working on global projects and dealing with cross-cultural issues with Dresser-Rand. T he interview with the subject, along with research into programs in place at Siemens

Friday, December 20, 2019

Kasus Enron - 2006 Words

ETIKA BISNIS DAN PROFESIONAL AKUNTAN DALAM MENILAI KINERJA PERUSAHAAN UNTUK KASUS ENRON LATAR BELAKANG Amerika Serikat yang selama ini dianggap sebagai Negara super power dan juga kiblat ilmu pengetahuan termasuk displin ilmu akuntansi harus menelan kepahitan. Skandal bisnis yang terjadi seakan menghilangkan kepercayaan oleh para pelaku bisnis dunia tentang praktik Good Corporate Governance di Amerika Serikat. Enron merupakan perusahaan dari penggabungan antara InterNorth (penyalur gas alam melalui pipa) dengan Houston Natural Gas. Kedua perusahaan ini bergabung pada tahun 1985. Bisnis inti Enron bergerak dalam industri energi, kemudian melakukan diversifikasi usaha yang sangat luas bahkan sampai pada bidang yang tidak ada†¦show more content†¦Ã¢Å¾ ¢ Pada tanggal 2 Desember 2001 Enron mendaftarkan kebangkrutan perusahaan ke pengadilan dan memecat 5000 pegawai. Pada saat itu terungkap bahwa terdapat hutang perusahaan yang tidak dilaporkan senilai lebih dari satu milyar dolar. Dengan pengungkapan ini nilai investasi dan laba yang di tahan (retained earning) berkurang dalam jumlah yang sama. âž ¢ Enron dan KAP Andersen dituduh telah melakukan kriminal dalam bentuk penghancuran dokumen yang berkaitan dengan investigasi atas kebangkrutan Enron (penghambatan terhadap proses peradilan ). âž ¢ Dana pensiun Enron sebagian besar diinvestasikan dalam bentuk saham Enron. Sementara itu harga saham Enron terus menurun sampai hampir tidak ada nilainya. âž ¢ KAP Andersen diberhentikan sebagai auditor enron pada pertengahan juni 2002. sementara KAP Andersen menyatakan bahwa penugasan Audit oleh Enron telah berakhir pada saat Enron mengajukan proses kebangkrutan pada 2 Desember 2001. âž ¢ CEO Enron, Kenneth Lay mengundurkan diri pada tanggal 2 Januari 2002 akan tetapi masih dipertahankan posisinya di dewan direktur perusahaan. Pada tanggal 4 Pebruari Mr. Lay mengundurkan diri dari dewan direktur perusahaan. âž ¢ Tanggal 28 Pebruari 2002 KAP Andersen menawarkan ganti rugi 750 Juta US dollar untuk menyelesaikan berbagai gugatan hukum yang diajukan kepada KAP Andersen. âž ¢ Pemerintahan Amerika (The US General Services Administration) melarang Enron dan KAP Andersen untuk melakukan kontrak pekerjaan dengan lembaga pemerintahan di

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Effect of Nervousness on Speaking Ability free essay sample

Week 1 assignment Activity One: Nervousness (Chapter 1) Write at least a short 200 word response discussing the extent of your nervousness and how it affects your speaking ability. What strategies will you use to control your nerves and make them work for you? First, I felt that it has been a while since Vive stand in front of a large audience like this. I have been giving brief reports occasionally which mean that I do have some experience in informing and organizing ideas for presentations and speeches.I do however feel the pressure of delivering the wrong message especially in front of the senior editors and the regional managers. Secondly, I felt that if I mispronounce a word and have long pauses to remember what I indented to say, I might have a stage fright and lose the company faith in my abilities. Even worse, I could get demoted and lose the respect of the members of my work team. We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of Nervousness on Speaking Ability or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first strategy that I will use to control my nerves Is to think positive about what I could accomplished after successfully delivering my speech. If I can pass this speech, than I will be more confident on the next one. Secondly, I will write down my speech and practice on saying it so that I will remember my subtopic and present It better. Lastly, I will prepare a couple of weeks In advance so that what I want to present will become second nature In my mind.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Taking a Stance on Capital Punishment free essay sample

Who are we to decide who should live and who should die? Who are we to decide that the punishment should not fit the crime? Who are we to consider mercy for the merciless? These are just a few questions I would love to be able to ask someone like Carrie Marie Scott, Janna Bruce, or Sheila Whalen but I can not, they all were murdered by Stephen Peter Morin. Stephen was one of the â€Å"botched† executions by lethal injection. It took the technicians almost 45 minutes to find a suitable vein to administer the sentence. I wonder how long it took his three victims to die as he raped and tortured them in a van he sound proofed. As for the time he suffered on the table getting needles stuck in him, I hope it does not happen to anyone that did not torture and kill three innocent people. Where is the humanity for the victims? Then there is the botched execution of John Wayne Gacy. We will write a custom essay sample on Taking a Stance on Capital Punishment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This man tortured and killed over 25 people after his first conviction of child molestation in 1968; yet it is inhumane that his execution took 18 minutes longer to complete than normal because of a clogged IV tube? Perhaps we should ask the family of his victims if it took longer than 18 minutes for them to get over the death of their loved ones. Where is the humanity for the victims? What of the Hodges family? Richard Hodges and his 75 year old mother Mildred were both murdered by suffocation by Bert Leroy Hunter and Tomas Ervin. On December 15th, 1988; Hunter and Ervin broke into the Hodges’ family home at gun point to rob them. The Hodges’ were bound with duct tape and had plastic bags put over their heads causing them to suffocate. Death by suffocation can take upwards of eight minutes to happen; try holding your breath for a minute and you will realize the agony of this death. When hunter was executed his body convulsed violently; but this is the inhumane aspect of this entire ordeal. I feel that I would be cheating the family if I did not mention that this crime was committed after Hunter got out of jail for his first conviction of murder and in jail is where he met his accomplice Ervin. Where is the humanity for the victims? What is a lethal injection? It is a very basic process where Sodium Thiopental is used to put the person to sleep, then Pancuronium is administered to paralyze the muscles, and Potassium Chloride is used to stop the heart; if this is not given the person would die of asphyxiation from the Pancuronium. The person has an IV in both arms although one is only used as a backup in case the main fails. The person on the execution table will always have one right that he or she did not allow their victim to have; the right to die with their dignity. When you look at the very basic facts of this, that no one should take a life; everything is very simple. When people say that â€Å"this poor person died on the execution table in a horrible way;† it is really easy to take a stance and say that it is wrong. The problem is that this is a heavily flawed perspective based on initial reactions without digging further and finding the details about how the ended up on that execution table in the first place. It all comes down to protecting the ones we are supposed to protect; the people who do NOT break the law and their rights have far been overlooked for rights of the ones who victimized them. So you ask for a stance and I will take one: Killing people is wrong, but the people who have killed people should not have a voice in their treatment of way they die; their victims did not. I support lethal injection and capital punishment. So long as people are willing to kill other people in cold blood; I am willing to see them off to their demise and not stand in the way.